Yashin Ahmad's & Five Arts Center

I watched Muallaf and I still remembered the story of the movie. Therefore, I will briefly describe about the movie. The movie "Muallaf" showed in year 2009 and it talked about two sisters are run away from their house because of father's domestic violence. Meanwhile, Brian is a school teacher to teach student in secondary elemen school, he doesn't like cat and doesn't interest or involve the belief of Christ.Until he got distraction from the other class and he tried to stop the punishment from another teacher.After consultation with principle and teachers including Brain.Brain decides to send the student ana back to her house.At the time, Brain meet Ani. On that time, Brain and the Principle will try to visit Ana and Ani's house and ask for the number that Ana's spoke out.Ani explained to them that the number she always spoken out is coming from the Holy Bible.From that time, Brain is geting interest and afraid of cat when Ani's house got cat...