Yashin Ahmad's & Five Arts Center

I watched Muallaf and I still remembered the story of the movie. Therefore, I will briefly describe about the movie. 

The movie "Muallaf" showed in year 2009 and it talked about two sisters are run away from their house because of father's domestic violence. Meanwhile, Brian is a school teacher to teach student in secondary elemen school,  he doesn't like cat and doesn't interest or involve the belief of Christ.Until he got distraction from the other class and he tried to stop the punishment from another teacher.After consultation with principle and teachers including Brain.Brain decides to send the student ana back to her house.At the time, Brain meet Ani. On that time, Brain and the Principle will try to visit Ana and Ani's house and ask for the number that Ana's spoke out.Ani explained to them that the number she always spoken out is coming from the Holy Bible.From that time, Brain is geting interest and afraid of cat when Ani's house got cat pet. Since Ani left the work from the pub, Brain suggest her to work another job from Brain's friend.In the few times of meeting between Brain and Ani, Brain fall in love with Ani and he confessed to her. However, Ana suddenly get caught by his father.From the time Ani left her house and she asked Brain to take care of her house. Until the call from Ani, she advice Brain to go home and meet his mother. In the last scene to end the movie that Brain rushed backed from Penang to Ipoh. When he rushed inside Ani's house,he took out the shoes and go back inside. 

To talk about the similarities of thinking about the concept of this movie, multi-race can be together, doesn't matter we are the Chinese or the Malays.But through the movie that Yashin had produced, we will understand more and try to accept the fact from the time to time and persuade the people by strengthening and prove the power of someone's love, passion and enthusiasm. However, the difference between Yashin's view and my view will slightly different. In the Yashin Ahmad’s view, She is trying to unite different kind of race as one (So called the slogan “1Malaysia”) in few movies like Sepet(2005) and Muallaf(2008). These movies shown after she died. She thinks that doesn’t matter who we are or what kind of race in Malaysia, the visual like the movie will shows the meaning of unite. Also, these movies are reflecting our ethnics’ stereotype and its barriers nowadays in Malaysia. In my view, I think Yashin Ahmad is trying to gather our culture and race as one just like a bowl of “Rojak”. Races is like the "fruits" and the sauce is the "country". When fruits and the sauces are mixed together, sometimes we will choose the fruits we like to eat and sometimes we also remove the sauces even the sauces taste badly or spicy. Therefore, People in here were become picky and choose the way to be friends and communicate or judge the bad side of this country. Most of the time everyone said, we are Malaysian. Malaysia’s races are like a big family no matter what races we are. However, it seems everyone in any kind of races are practising In-group bias. Everyone in different kind of group races will prefer the positive in our group of races and the negative thinking of other races will become the out-group bias. Therefore, the concept thinking of the unite will never change at all currently.Therefore, through the Yashin Ahmad's movie, this will remind people that not every country like China or Russia has one or more races in one country.So, if we are being "mixed" together in our country will have a different view of perspective if we can avoid the In-group bias and out-group bias.

In 25th February 2017, I visited a workshop called Exchange theatre in the Five Arts Center (in the area of Taman Tun Ismail). I have to thanks to Dr Carmen, Dr Andrew Loo and Miss Ezzati to let the classmate and I watched another unique theater. It makes me learned more about the problem of diversity and the barrier that always happened in here frequently. Overall the performance one or two actors have some mistakes when they were acting.However, they were showing the best, I love it. Every sections or images they performed were reflected to our social issues in our countries.Every scene the actors created were familiar to our current life no matter in workplace or in school. I think the better way to change every scene is the attitude and the perspective of thinking and behavior. It always happened in every scene like racism or crossing the culture barriers. Those barriers like loving with different kind of races or having homosexual relationship are limited to happened to our certain people because of the strict laws and rules. Racism were happened frequently because of the psychological thinking occurred and label different kind of race in negative way. Only the one scene that reminded me from the current movie called "Hidden Figure". The Chinese boss and the Chinese collegues versus Indian collegues are most likely the White People versus Black People during year 1961. White people always thinks that the most powerful and they are the more pure color of skin than Black people in the America. Same goes to here, the scene of Chinese people and Indian people, Chinese people thinks they are the most hardworking and have the good productivity in social workplace.Therefore, Indian people were ignored by Chinese people because of the color of the skin reflects the different thinking and judgement like Indian people are the "Gangster" or "Dirty". Also,the labeling every races is not a good way to practice and judge each of the races because maybe it can be the stereotyping that Malays is "Lazy" but is not? Maybe Chinese is "Kiasu" but is "Kind"? Or Indian is not "Gangster" but "Friendly"?

Somehow, in the end of the final scene, it creates the scene of unite.With a simple performance , it creates a huge meaning of being unit not just having the separate tables and enjoys the food in the restaurant but every races are joining together, open the big table and enjoy the food just like the picnic time.I think even the time passed fast or the technologies enhanced more on that, but the problems on races and culture itself doesn't improve at all. There can be the alternative ways to improve so every races will understand and know we are the only one country that no matter what kind of races or culture, we will stand up and said "we are truly Malaysian! " (Not to think about the concept of 1Malaysia)? Well, no knows that may happened and surprise the whole world in a miracle day.


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