Principle of Rukun Negara Malaysia

Last week in the lecture class, Dr Carmen gave us a task about finding the principle of Rukun Negara. Is it a good things to learn back again or is a nightmare for me?Well, at least I able to discover on what is it and how's the Rukun Negara coming from. Rukun Negara, called that National Principle,is the Malaysian declaration which Malaysian people will institute the national philosophy from the independent day until nowadys. The v ision of the Rukun Negara is for the realization of the social contract agreed upon by the major races and d octrine to achieve unity for the sake of harmony and prosperity since the reaction to the race riot of 13 May incident happened in Malaysia . It was formulated and held by the national consultative council (NCC) Tunku Abdul Razak. The aim of creating Rukun Negara is to harmonize and unite among races in Malaysia. From the text of the Rukun Negara, I searched from the and tried to understand the whole idea of the principle ...