Principle of Rukun Negara Malaysia

Last week in the lecture class, Dr Carmen gave us a task about finding the principle of Rukun Negara. Is it a good things to learn back again or is a nightmare for me?Well, at least I able to discover on what is it and how's the Rukun Negara coming from.

Rukun Negara, called that National Principle,is the Malaysian declaration which Malaysian people will institute the national philosophy from the independent day until nowadys. The vision of the Rukun Negara is for the realization of the social contract agreed upon by the major races and doctrine to achieve unity for the sake of harmony and prosperity since the reaction to the race riot of 13 May incident happened in Malaysia. It was formulated and held by the national consultative council (NCC) Tunku Abdul Razak. The aim of creating Rukun Negara is to harmonize and unite among races in Malaysia.

From the text of the Rukun Negara, I searched from the and tried to understand the whole idea of the principle of Rukun Negara. I believed that Malaysian people know the five states of principle which are stated at below:
WE, HER PEOPLES, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by these principles:

1. Belief in God (Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan)
- The trustwothy between people and the God

2.Loyalty to King and Country (Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara)
- It is inherent loyalty to King and country which binds together races into an united and harmony nation

3.Upholding the Constitution (Keluhuran Perlembagaan)
- It is the duty of a citizen to respect and appreciate the letter, the spirit and the historical background of the Constitution.

4.Rule of Law (Kedaulatan Undang-undang)
-It is ensured by the existence of an independent judiciary with powers to pronounce on the constitutionality and legality or otherwise of executive acts.

5.Good Behaviour and Morality (Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan)
- Individuals and all the people in this country shall conduct their affair such a manners as not to violate and discriminate.Therefore, having a good behaviour also includes a high standard morality in both our personal and public life.
However, I searched and found some statements that we were not familiar with. It stated that:
WHEREAS OUR COUNTRY, MALAYSIA nurtures the ambitions of:
  • Achieving a more perfect unity amongst the whole of her society;
  • Preserving a democratic way of life;
  • Creating a just society where the prosperity of the country can be enjoyed together in a fair and equitable manner;
  • Guaranteeing a liberal approach towards her rich and varied cultural traditions; and
  • Building a progressive society that will make use of science and modern technology.

Since I was primary school, I just followed what the people on stage every Monday. I never thought about understanding the meaning of Rukun Negara. But I still wonder why we have to declare about Rukun Negara and why we will remembered only the five principle of Rukun Negara instead of the whole statement of Rukun Negara. When I realized that before the statement of Five principle talked about the declaration for whole country, whereas the five principle of Rukun Negara are declaration of people in Malaysia. Although I didn't explain all of these statement, but we clearly know that every words they formulated are related to our society nowadays.Now, I think mystery is solved.

Picture shows the completed Rukun Negara searched from Google.


  1. Assalamualaikum. i am really happy to find out about this page. I am too was assigned by my lecture to dig more into the principle of Rukun Negara and how it influences the politics and economics. This page served a perfect explanation behind the pledge that I've done mindlessly during my primary school days. Reading through your page, it helps me gain a lot of information and I would like to ask you for your permission to use this page as my reference for my assignment. I hope you stay safe in the middle of MCO and have a nice day.


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